Delete the “options.dopt” file to solve it. There is a high likelihood of resolution issues. Flickering textures indicate memory inefficiency. Make sure DX is present in the folder: “Steam \ SteamApps \ common \ Darksiders 2”Įnable vertical sync (V-sync). Update DirectX and Microsoft VCredistributable. Problems with the camera are solved by disabling V-sync. The passage of the problem zone is possible with the use of saves. If you try to save or load immediately after cutscenes, it can cause lags in the game. You need to uninstall C ++ then install again. Make sure that the controller is active in the OS (control panel), then in the game itself Options -> Control -> Customization, the appropriate controller must be selected. In the task manager, right-click on the darksiders 2.exe process, set the Affinity property, uncheck all the boxes except for core 0 and core 1. To solve the problem, it is necessary to cut off the work of several cores. You don't have to turn everything off at once and try different options. Disable anti-leasing and filtering in the video card settings, the "Changeable graphics" option in the BIOS, if any. Reinstall the video card drivers after uninstalling them. Launch the game directly from the folder where it is installed - launcher - Darksiders 2.exe. In Windows 7: right click on the Darksiders 2.exe launcher, check the ‘Disable Desktop Composition’ Disable your antivirus and terminate all applications running in the background.Disable anti-leasing and filters in the video card settings.If there are two video cards on board, disable one.Start the game with the antivirus turned off.Disable SLI / Crossfire mode if enabled, then restart the game.Install the latest drivers for your video card.