
Guljnara rakisheva foto styuardessa
Guljnara rakisheva foto styuardessa

guljnara rakisheva foto styuardessa

There are six points in the statement of claim: breach of contract, breach of loyalty obligation, inability to pay properly, fraud, violation of the business registration law and violation of the RICO law. Perzov claims that Hogeg and Rakishev violated the RICO law, a us Federal law designed for organized crime in the US. The lawsuit accuses Hogeg and Rakishev of defrauding many investors around the world for hundreds of millions of dollars. The statement of claim also States that Hogeg and Rakishev took part in an organized conspiracy involving at least 16 people and companies. Perzov claims that Hogeg and Rakishev violated a joint venture agreement in which he was promised that he would be a partner and Manager in a company that would use the domain ahhh! In the spring of a major canadian Internet entrepreneur Adam Perzov filed a lawsuit in California for $ 50 million to Rakishev and his partners - Moshe Hogeg and Joseph Chen. "The company is outsourcing some of its work and plans to focus on software development and distribution," said Sirin labs. In the spring of 2019, SIRIN LABS began to delay the salary of its employees for 2-3 months, and then reduced them by 25 %. The value of SRN, the digital currency issued by the company, has fallen 99% since its peak in January 2018. It seemed that some unique product like Iphone appeared on the market. Articles about the joint company Rakishev and Hogeg SIRIN LABS, released her blockchain smartphone Finney, released her digital currency, was clogged all over the Internet. The situation in Rakishev's joint projects with Israeli businessman Moshe hogeg Is even worse. The price of the company's shares fell from $ 1,000 to $ 10, and the structure itself was overgrown with losses of hundreds of millions of dollars. Recently told about one such a failed project Rakisheva - Net Element. He tries to compensate failures in business with the paid articles in different mass media where he is represented by the "successful" businessman. Other companies do not want to contact Rakishev, as all his projects often end in failure. Serious international structures are wary of this money and sometimes prefer not to deal with Rakishev. It is their money Rakishev tries to attach in different parts of the world. In reality, he is the Treasurer of Nursultan Nazarbayev, his son-in-law Timur Kulibayev and some representatives of the top of Kazakhstan. Source: continues to destroy the fake news about the "successful venture capital investor" Kenes Rakisheva.

Guljnara rakisheva foto styuardessa